Thursday 8 March 2012

Audience Questionnaire

Supernatural Horror - Audience Questionnaire

1. Are you male or female?

Male                                                      Female

2. How old are you?

15-17                                                      18-20                                                      21-30                                                      31+

3. How often do you go to the cinema?

Often                                                      Monthly                                    Rarely                                                      Never

4. Out of these Supernatural Horrors which have you seen?

Blair Witch Project                                    The Unborn                                    Paranormal Activity (1-3)

Poltergeist                                                 Exorcist                                           Insidious

5. Out of the above films, which are TWO are your favourite?

Blair Witch Project                                    The Unborn                                    Paranormal Activity (1-3)

Poltergeist                                                 Exorcist                                          Insidious
6. What did you like about them?

7. What stock characters do you expect?

Family                                            Child                                                                      Group of friends                                   

Old people                                     Vulnerable woman                                                 Heroic man


8. What stock settings would you expect in a Supernatural Horror? (Circle 2)

Forest                                                      House                                  

Graveyard                                               Church

9. What sort of props would you expect to see? (Circle 3)

Candles/ torch                                      A weapon                                             Camping things

Religious items                                   
 Mystical object                                     Cameras

Floating objects                                   Door handles / locks                            Keys

10. What genre of music would you expect in a Supernatural Horror? (Circle 2)

Pop / Chart                                    Rock / Indie                           Classical                              R’n’B

Reggae / Soul                                Rap                                       Country / Folk                     Dance

11. What sound effects would you expect to hear in a Supernal Horror?(Circle 2)

Creaky doors                                       Screaming                                            Background noise

Scratching                                           Whispering                                           High-pitched sound (buzz)

12. At the beginning of the film what sort of situation would you expect the            
       characters to be in? (Circle 2)

Camping                           Moving house                               Road trip                  Adventuring

Documenting                   Visiting churches                           Going to graveyards                 

13.  What makes an effective opening to a Supernatural Horror? (Circle 2)

Music                                    Titles                                    News stories        
Voiceovers                            Old videos

14. What kind of filming or viewpoint do you find scarier:

Characters point of view

All seeing narrator (not part of the film)

Character on looking the activities

15. Would you expect many big situations in the opening of a Supernatural Horror
       (For example, a death, supernatural happening etc.)

Yes                                                                                                            No

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