Tuesday 20 March 2012

Character Profiles

She is the noticeable leader of the group. She organises and controls their trip and is in charge of the filming so the handheld camera film is viewed from her perspective. As she is in charge, Jess appears very bossy and controlling, shouting at her friends and ordering them around when they don’t do what she wants them to do. She appears prepared for the trip wearing suitable clothes (t-shirt, shirt, hoody, coat, rucksack, doc marten boots) with many layers, which conveys that she is an organised character. She is also seen to be carrying useful items such as a torch and map. This further conveys her leadership and organisational characteristics. She is also carrying filming equipment such as a tripod, which informs the audience that the handheld camera filming is viewed from her perspective. Close-ups of Jess reveal her expressions to the audience and portray her power. The editing with Jess will be fairly slow at the beginning to convey her power and control over the situation. It also portrays that she is not scared. The speed of the editing will increase to show her loss of power and control over the situation, which will also convey her fear.

 Kate is a very typical ‘girly’ character. Unlike Jess, she is not very organised, which is presented through her costume. She wears a pretty dress, pumps and a thin jacket. She has noticeably fewer items in her bag compared to the others, which shows she is unprepared. She is less confident than Jess and follows the crowd in an attempt to fit in with her friends. This is portrayed through her body language and speech: she always does what Jess tells her. She is also frequently interrupted whilst talking. This further reinforces her shy and "follower" characteristics. The editing around the character is faster than with Jess and Adam in order to connote that she is more scared and nervous than the others.

Adam is a typical "lad" who wears chinos and a polo t-shirt. The bright colours of his clothes connote his attention-seeking behaviour. He also believes that he is a "ladies man", always attached to Kate. He speaks louder than the others which shows he is arrogant and likes attention. Also, he peer-pressures Jack into doing everything with him then mocks Jack if he acts uninterested or apprehensive. He is carrying a medium-sized bag, which connotes that he is fairly prepared for the trip and is confident of the outcome. 

Jack is the quietest character of the group. He is shy and nervous. He feels peer-pressured by the group to go on the trip. This will be depicted through his body language: slouchy and closed off from the others. He also distances himself from the rest of the group, which shows that he feels like an outsider. He is carrying a bag similar in size to Jess but it is filled with impractical objects: this connotes his apprehension and nervousness about the trip. The editing around Jack will be fairly fast from the beginning in order to represent his fear and uncertainty about the trip. There will be a lot of long shots and mid shots of "Jack" in order to connote his isolation from the rest of the group and also his fear. 

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